About Zepp Herbal!

Hello! I am Sierra the creator behind ZeppHerbal.
I identify as an herbalist, alchemist, and occultist. I have a long history with the vitality of alternative medicine. As a child, I experienced firsthand the transformational healing that plants had on my spirit. Using plants as medicine has always been a staple of my upbringing. My family was, and still are deeply connected to growing food, gardening, and ever- learning from Mother Earth.
I studied under various herbalists in my home state of Colorado, and during college I unveiled my dedication to practice, learn and work with the land and the earth's plant allies. I moved to Kansas in 2019, where I study and work with Regina Compernolle at Sacred Earth Arts. My commitment to continue to study, be of service and tend the land of the Kansa peoples' is my devotion.
I have a Bachelor's degree in history, and gender studies. I love antiques and curios and am quite proud of my collection of oddities! I love Halloween and all things spooky. I am a Virgo sun, Aries rising and Sagittarius Moon! I deeply resonate with my virgo self and am dedicated to being of service to the land, our people's and our planet.
My magickal background is vast and continually changing with new exploration. I was raised in the new thought movement and had a wonderful experience in childhood through constant curiosity of spirituality. In high school and college I started to read books of the occult and paganism and started my own solitary practice. I love to read historical occult books and research grimoires of witchcraft and polytheistic cultures. My magickal products are based on historical recipes with a mixture of my personal experience with herbs and divination.
About My Products
My products are all herbal medicines I use in my daily life. I have tweaked and changed recipes over the years to create something that is healing and useful for not only me, but also my friends and family members. Everything is made in small batches with intentions to sustainability, in both the herbs I use, but also the glass packaging. I use recycled shipping products and reuse bubble wrap, and boxes whenever I can. Please re- use your glass bottles for your own creations or medicine!